The BEYA Emulating indicators also known as cycle-specific indicators are Chemical Indicators structured to change color when expose to prescribed variables such as time, temperature and steam for a specified sterilization time cycle. The BEYA Class 6 Emulating Steam indicator strips are designed to be used in steam sterilizers operating at 121
°C -10 minutes, 134
°C -3.5 minutes and 134
°C - 7 minutes. The cycle verification indicators can be used in every pack and will provide assurance of steam penetration into the packs and presence of all critical parameters of steam sterilization cycle. The water based and non-toxic chemical indicator in compliance with ISO 11140-1 will show a clear.
Single/ Double Strip Design ( Optional)
Manufactured in absence of lead or other heavy metals
CE marking is not applicable for indicator products, because this is not considered a medical device under the clause of the EC-directive 93/42/EEC.