Home :: EO Autoclave Indicator Tape

EO Autoclave Indicator Tape

Chemical indicator tape are designed to indicate whether a specific temperature has been reached for sterilization identification on items expose to ETO. An indicator tape is reliable and designed to facilitate the immediate identification of exposed objects, indicator tapes also serve a good option for packaging purposes of medical equipments.

EO Indicator Printed Autoclave Tape is classifed as Class. 1 type according to ISO 11140-1 standard.CE marking is not applicable for indicator products, because this product is not considered a medical device under the clause of the EC-directive 93/42/EEC


EO Indicator Autoclave Tapes are used to douse wraps of the medical devices to be sterilized and provide visual confirmation that the package has been processed in a EO sterilization.


600 mg/l EO gas, 30 °C, 60 % RH, 30 minutes, 600 mg/l EO gas, 54 °C, 60 % RH, 20 minutes.Class 1 according to EN ISO 11140-1


2 years / 3 years

Technical Specifications
  • Clean and easy remove from wrapping paper
  • Water based and nontoxic indicator
  • Clear and smooth colour change
  • BEYA Autoclave Tapes are manufactured in the absence of lead or other heavy metals.
Name:  EO Autoclave Indicator Tape.