Home :: Steam Autoclave Indicator Tape

Steam Autoclave Indicator Tape

Chemical indicator tape are designed to indicate whether a specific temperature has been rea-ched for sterilization identification on items expose to steam, hydrogen peroxide . An indicator tape is reliable and designed to facilitate the immediate identification of exposed objects, indi-cator tapes also serve a good option for packaging purposes of medical equipments.

Steam Indicator Printed Autoclave Tape is classified as Class 1 Type according to ISO 11140-1 standard. CE marking is not applicable for indicator products, because this product is not consi-dered a medical device under the clause of the EC-directive 93/42/EEC.


Steam indicator Printed Autoclave Tapes provide visual confirmation that the package has been processed in a steam sterilizer.


600 mg/l EO gas, 30 Steam Indicator Autoclave Tapes are used up to 121 °C 10 minutes, 134 °C - 3.5 operation conditions.


2 years / 3 years

Technical Specifications
  • Clean and easy remove from wrapping paper
  • Water based and nontoxic indicator
  • Clear and smooth colour change
  • BEYA Autoclave Tapes are manufactured in the absence of lead or other heavy metals.
Name:  Steam Autoclave Indicator Tape.